How important is backlink?


Backlink is when another website recommends another website. Backlink is sharing the link of another site on the site first. It is also known as backlink and has “dofollow” and “nofollow” rel tag types. While “dofollow” backlink means a recommended link that can be followed and authority can be transferred, “nofollow” backlink is a rel tag that only contains the URL and means that it does not need to be followed and is not recommended. It is also a tag that states that the authority of the linked site should not be affected.

What is the “dofollow” rel tag?
Dofollow is a tag that indicates that the site to which the link is given can be followed by search engines and is a recommended URL. It is also a rel tag that confirms that it will give authority to the site to which the backlink is provided, depending on the authority of the site that provides the URL link. Search engines scan the target site by following the backlink link with the "dofollow" rel tag and give points to the targeted site. In this way, it gains authority by search engines, and thus, the site and its contents begin to rank higher.

What is the “nofollow” rel tag?
Nofollow is a rel tag that indicates that the targeted link does not need to be recommended by the site. It is a code that means you do not need to follow search engines, I do not recommend it, I just cited the source. This does not provide much of a positive contribution to the targeted site. It appears only as a URL and provides additional traffic because it is clickable. Of course, the increase in visits will also be a plus in terms of authority and points. However, I do not recommend the “nofollow” rel tag for backlink importance.

Why is backlink important for your website?
Backlinks are very important for a website. It offers serious support in SEO, especially the backlink URL with the "dofollow" rel tag has a serious positive effect on a website. It is a backlink recommendation system and therefore a recommended source is ranked higher by search engines. Websites marked as target URL backlinks by important and well-known sites gain much more value and rank higher. In addition, it provides more trust by customers and visitors and is therefore more preferred.
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